#12 – Spell


#magic #natalie #english #symbols #tattoo #pentacle #witchcraftaltar #magiccircle #spell #grimoires


Magical Spells


Once the altar is ready I will cleanse myself physically and then with copal incense, and then clean up the entire room with the copal incense. The tools and ingredients that will be used for the ceremony will be also cleaned of all bad energy with copal. Before I start I make sure that I will not be interrupted by anything during the ceremony and shutdown any telephone or cellular. I also make sure to answer any calls of nature beforehand. Then the actual ceremony can begin. It always follows the same ritual that I have worked out over the years.

  • 1. I meditate to empty my mind of all extraneous thoughts and to get rid of any bad mental energy.
  • 2. I then visualize what I am trying to accomplish with all of the spells I plan to do during the ceremony and the impact that they will make on the people I am planning to help.
  • 3. I then gather my mental energy and then call to me the powers of the earth and the universe to add themselves to my own.
  • 4. In a loud voice I declare a statement of intent to let know to the universe what I plan to do with the gathered powers.
  • 5. I then cast a magic circle of power all around my altar.
  • 6. I anoint my ceremonial candle and light it.
  • 7. I invoke the powers of the universe to join me and share their energy in my ceremony.
  • 8. I bless the ritual space.
  • 9. I anoint and light the main candle for the ceremony.
  • 10. I cast all of the spells I plan to do in the ceremony.
  • 11. I bless the cake and honey.
  • 12. I conclude the ceremony.
  • 13. To recharge the huge amount of energy I used casting the spells I eat part of the cake and drink a bit of the wine, leaving the rest as an offering to the universal soul.
  • 14. I meditate to clear my mind from the trauma of the work.
  • 15. I snuff my ceremonial candle.
  • 16. I release the circle of power so that I can leave the ritual space.
  • 17. I normally leave the altar untouched until early the next morning, unless I need to do another ceremony later on the same day. I leave the main candle burning until it is all burnt and burry the remains safely.

I normally try to do a single large ceremony daily unless the volume of spells needing to be done is too much, or different requested spells can conflict with each other so they need to be done in different ceremonies with a thorough cleaning in between. I normally take a day off from doing magic once in the week to recharge my powers. If I do not do so, it takes too much out of me mentally and physically.

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On the altar you place your special magical tools that you will need for the ceremony. Normally on the left side are placed the tools that are related to the female side of the universal soul. I normally place a red crystal cup or chalice filled with wine as an offering to the universal soul, a small bell, a small container of salt, and my cauldron. On the right side are place the tools associated with the male side of the universal soul. I place my athame, my magic wand, my grimoires, some cleaning incense and whatever incense I will use for the ceremony.

I also normally place magical objects that have special meaning to me to aid me in concentrating like some stones or crystals, a pendulum, a sickle, a small crystal bowl with seeds in it depending on the type of spells I will cast. If I work alone I will place my own ceremonial candle on the right side of the altar, and if I will work with my High Witch she will place hers on the left side.

In between there will be a special candle for the ceremony. Before the ceremony I normally print a list of all the spells I will be doing and of all the ingredients I need for them. I will select the main candle to better fit the purpose of the ceremony. I then assemble all of the ingredients on the altar or in a drawer beneath the altar. Herbs and similar things are measured beforehand and place in small dished on the altar. I normally place a plate on the altar with some cake with honey to help in recuperating my energy at the end of the ceremony, and to leave as an offering to the universal soul.

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Magical Spells


My personal view of magic is that it is one of the basic forces of the universe that is located on the spiritual plane where our souls and the universal soul reside. This force, like all the other ones, can be used and manipulated by those who know why. By using a combination of the spiritual powers of that force, the powers of the physical world, and the Witch own personal powers, a magical spell can be cast to affect both the spiritual and the physical world.

To properly cast a magic spell the wizard must first prepare himself both physically and mentally. He must clean himself and dress himself in comfortable clothes. Most professional Witch use comfortable loose-fitting ceremonial robes that they only wear to do magic, so that the clothes are not contaminated by any bad energy coming from outside. I normally wear loose-fitting ceremonial robe if the temperature is not too stifling.

Depending on their personal circumstances a Witch might decide to work outside in a peaceful area, or inside their house or workplace. Normally magical work is done at an altar, and this altar can be as simple as the corner of your dining room table or a little folding table, or as elaborate as a specially build intricately carved altar in a room or outdoor place specially built to do magic. I now work in my altar room, but eventually when we move to a quieter area I want to build an outdoor altar area where I can work closer to the forces of nature.

Once you have made your decision on where to work magic, you must clean the area where the magical ceremony will be cast to make sure that no bad energies are accumulated in that area. If you do a lot of magical work, you might decide to setup a special corner of a room with a permanent altar, or even prepare a special room in you house just to do magic. First the floor is vacuumed or swept if you work indoor and then the altar is dusted. Most Witches will place an altar cloth on their altar and it can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. I normally use a nice silk altar cloth of appropriate color and design to suit the spells I plan to accomplish.

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Magic Circle


A magic circle is a sacred and purified space in which rituals, magical work and ceremonies are conducted, which they generally believe will contain energy and form a sacred space, or will provide them a form of magical protection, or both. It offers a boundary for a reservoir of concentrated power and acts as a doorway to the world of the gods. The magic circle is an archetypal symbol of wholeness, perfection and unity; the creation of the cosmos; the womb of mother Earth; the cycle of the seasons and birthdeath-regeneration. Within the circle, it becomes possible to transcend the physical, to open the mind to deeper and higher levels of consciousness.

Traditionally, circles were believed by ritual magicians to form a protective barrier between themselves and what they summoned. In practitioners generally cast magic circles to contain and concentrate the energy they raise during a ritual. Grimoires and other magical teachings give detailed instructions for casting the circle with consecrated ritual tools, such as an athame, sword or wand. The circle is drawn on a floor that has been carefully cleaned. Salt may be sprinkled around its perimeter to reinforce the boundary.

The circle is inscribed with magical symbols, words and Names of Power. In casting the circle, the magician moves clockwise, the motion of the sun, moon and stars through the sky. He leaves a small opening, then steps inside, closing the opening very carefully to prevent unwanted presences from entering. The magician consecrates the circle with the four elements, Earth, Air, Water and Fire, and invokes the guardian spirits who watch over the four quarters of the sky and the four elements. The circle is entered in anticipation of uniting with the gods and the forces of nature in a harmonious relationship, not to conjure or control spirits. The deities are invited to witness and participate in the rites; all spirits are treated respectfully.

Negative energy is banished prior to casting a circle. The consciousness of participants is prepared through meditation, visualization, breathing, drumming and other esoteric methods.

The altar and ritual tools, such as a wand, pentacle, censer, cauldron, scourge, athame, chalice, cords and other items, are placed inside the circle area. Witches working alone may have fewer tools. Candles, stones or other objects are placed on the Altar at the cardinal points. Offerings of food, stones, crystals, flowers and so on are made. At the close of rites, food and drink are consecrated, offered to the deities, and shared by all.


To the north was the source of great power. North, the cardinal point never touched by the Sun, was associated with darkness, mystery and the unknown.


The quarter of enlightenment, illumination, mysticism and the eternal. It corresponds to the element of Air, the athame, the colors red or white. The northeast is the symbolic dividing line between the path of darkness and the path of light.The east represents mankind’s highest and most spiritual consciousness.


Solar energy, the Sun, the element Fire, the colors blue or white, and the magic wand are associated with the south. This is the quarter of the will, the direction and channeling of the energy forces of nature and the psychic. In the south is the halfway meeting point between the spiritual intuition of the east and the rationality of the west. It represents the zenith of intellectuality, as the sun attains its zenith in the southern sky.


The quarter of Water, creativity, emotions, fertility and courage to face one is deepest feelings. It is associated with the chalice, the symbol of female creative power and fecundity, the after life, and the colors red or gray. In it represents reason, common sense, and mindedness.

The circle is usually closed by the practitioner after they have finished by drawing in the energy with the whatever was used to make the circle counter-clockwise. This is called closing the circle or releasing the circle. The term “opening” is often used, representing the idea the circle has been expanded and dissipated rather than closed in on itself. As a final release of energy, the spirits and deities are bid farewell, candles are extinguished, and the circle is ritually banished. It is important to close a circle in order not to leave the ritual space psychically active.

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Spell Selection


We offer spells for a variety of occasions. They are categorized below by main categories.

Relationships and Love

The most important thing to remember in any type of relationship or love spell is that we cannot and will not cast spells to force certain people to love you against their wish. This goes against our code of ethics and event though the people who are the target of the spell would indeed fall in love with you, the end result would end up to be negative as they are forced into that relationship against their wish. Please remember that when you cast a negative spell, the results will be negative for you.

Prosperity and Money

In these days of extreme financial insecurity we need to get all the help we can to maintain our financial stability. Our line of powerful prosperity and money spell can help you out of a dark period, and insure your long term prosperity.

Serenity and Protection

We all feel the pressure of our hectic modern lives. Things seem to go too fast for us and we never have time to do everything we want to do. Often it seems like the entire faith of the world rest on our shoulders and that all the bad luck in the world is with us. Our serenity and prosperity spells will help you live a calm life with no big worries.

Removing a Curse that has been Placed on You

Though it used to happen very rarely, we now have seen more and more people being affected by curses placed on them or their loved ones. It seems that in these turbulent times more and more people who cannot go ahead in life using positive methods have recourse to unscrupulous providers of magic to place curses on others to help themselves go ahead in life or get revenge for things that normally are minor. We offer curse removal spells and protection spells so that once removed the curse does not return.

Other Types of Spells

For those occasions where your needs do not fall in a specific category, or when your needs are in several categories at the same time we can have an online consultation with you and prepare a custom spell to exactly cover your needs. Please contact up for this special service.

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