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Magic Circle


A magic circle is a sacred and purified space in which rituals, magical work and ceremonies are conducted, which they generally believe will contain energy and form a sacred space, or will provide them a form of magical protection, or both. It offers a boundary for a reservoir of concentrated power and acts as a doorway to the world of the gods. The magic circle is an archetypal symbol of wholeness, perfection and unity; the creation of the cosmos; the womb of mother Earth; the cycle of the seasons and birthdeath-regeneration. Within the circle, it becomes possible to transcend the physical, to open the mind to deeper and higher levels of consciousness.

Traditionally, circles were believed by ritual magicians to form a protective barrier between themselves and what they summoned. In practitioners generally cast magic circles to contain and concentrate the energy they raise during a ritual. Grimoires and other magical teachings give detailed instructions for casting the circle with consecrated ritual tools, such as an athame, sword or wand. The circle is drawn on a floor that has been carefully cleaned. Salt may be sprinkled around its perimeter to reinforce the boundary.

The circle is inscribed with magical symbols, words and Names of Power. In casting the circle, the magician moves clockwise, the motion of the sun, moon and stars through the sky. He leaves a small opening, then steps inside, closing the opening very carefully to prevent unwanted presences from entering. The magician consecrates the circle with the four elements, Earth, Air, Water and Fire, and invokes the guardian spirits who watch over the four quarters of the sky and the four elements. The circle is entered in anticipation of uniting with the gods and the forces of nature in a harmonious relationship, not to conjure or control spirits. The deities are invited to witness and participate in the rites; all spirits are treated respectfully.

Negative energy is banished prior to casting a circle. The consciousness of participants is prepared through meditation, visualization, breathing, drumming and other esoteric methods.

The altar and ritual tools, such as a wand, pentacle, censer, cauldron, scourge, athame, chalice, cords and other items, are placed inside the circle area. Witches working alone may have fewer tools. Candles, stones or other objects are placed on the Altar at the cardinal points. Offerings of food, stones, crystals, flowers and so on are made. At the close of rites, food and drink are consecrated, offered to the deities, and shared by all.


To the north was the source of great power. North, the cardinal point never touched by the Sun, was associated with darkness, mystery and the unknown.


The quarter of enlightenment, illumination, mysticism and the eternal. It corresponds to the element of Air, the athame, the colors red or white. The northeast is the symbolic dividing line between the path of darkness and the path of light.The east represents mankind’s highest and most spiritual consciousness.


Solar energy, the Sun, the element Fire, the colors blue or white, and the magic wand are associated with the south. This is the quarter of the will, the direction and channeling of the energy forces of nature and the psychic. In the south is the halfway meeting point between the spiritual intuition of the east and the rationality of the west. It represents the zenith of intellectuality, as the sun attains its zenith in the southern sky.


The quarter of Water, creativity, emotions, fertility and courage to face one is deepest feelings. It is associated with the chalice, the symbol of female creative power and fecundity, the after life, and the colors red or gray. In it represents reason, common sense, and mindedness.

The circle is usually closed by the practitioner after they have finished by drawing in the energy with the whatever was used to make the circle counter-clockwise. This is called closing the circle or releasing the circle. The term “opening” is often used, representing the idea the circle has been expanded and dissipated rather than closed in on itself. As a final release of energy, the spirits and deities are bid farewell, candles are extinguished, and the circle is ritually banished. It is important to close a circle in order not to leave the ritual space psychically active.

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