
#magic #natalie #english #symbols #tattoo #pentacle #witchcraftaltar #magiccircle #spell #grimoires




On the altar you place your special magical tools that you will need for the ceremony. Normally on the left side are placed the tools that are related to the female side of the universal soul. I normally place a red crystal cup or chalice filled with wine as an offering to the universal soul, a small bell, a small container of salt, and my cauldron. On the right side are place the tools associated with the male side of the universal soul. I place my athame, my magic wand, my grimoires, some cleaning incense and whatever incense I will use for the ceremony.

I also normally place magical objects that have special meaning to me to aid me in concentrating like some stones or crystals, a pendulum, a sickle, a small crystal bowl with seeds in it depending on the type of spells I will cast. If I work alone I will place my own ceremonial candle on the right side of the altar, and if I will work with my High Witch she will place hers on the left side.

In between there will be a special candle for the ceremony. Before the ceremony I normally print a list of all the spells I will be doing and of all the ingredients I need for them. I will select the main candle to better fit the purpose of the ceremony. I then assemble all of the ingredients on the altar or in a drawer beneath the altar. Herbs and similar things are measured beforehand and place in small dished on the altar. I normally place a plate on the altar with some cake with honey to help in recuperating my energy at the end of the ceremony, and to leave as an offering to the universal soul.

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