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Magic Candles


A candle is a solid block of wax with an embedded ignitable wick that provides light, and in some cases, a fragrance. It can also be used to provide heat, or as a method of keeping time. As the mass of solid fuel is melted and consumed, the candle becomes shorter.

I work with a sensible spirits occultist and related forms of Paganism, the candle is frequently used on the altar to represent the presence of the God and Goddess, and in the four corners of a ritual circle to represent the presence of the four classical elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. When used in this manner, lighting and extinguishing the candle marks the opening and closing of the ritual. The candle is also frequently used for magical meditative purposes. Altar candles are traditionally thick tall candles or long tapers which are available in many colors.

In Magic Candle, the candles that are used come in a variety of colors, depending on the nature of the ritual or custom at hand. Some Magic Candle may use red, green, blue, yellow and white or purple candles to represent the elements.

Using candles in magic based on beliefs is known as sympathetic magic in that it is believed the candle represents the outcome the person is wanting. It is a “like attracts like” form of magical practice. For example, if a person is looking for a job or needs extra income a green candle (the color of money) would be used. For romance, a red candle would be used (red is a universal color of love and hearts). There is an additional belief that the smoke from the candles will take the prayer requests, desires, or wishes up to the gods.

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